Monday, January 4, 2016

The Great Novel Of Our Lives Is A Selfie And A Soundbite. The End

“A glorious place, a glorious age, I tell you! A very Neon Renaissance---And the myths that touched you at that time---not Hercules, Orpheus and Aeneas—but Super Man, Captain Marvel, Bat Man”
                                                             Tom Wolfe Author of The Bonfires Of The Vanities

When I was a child in The South Bronx, I had a learning disability called school.

In spite of that, my sixth grade English teacher believed in the future I would write a great book. Just write what you know, she advised. I know movies.

In the millennium of my childhood, I closed my eyes and made a wish to live life like a Great American Novel, one that would read like the science fiction of a comic book worthy of The Hunt’s Point Public Library, my Fortress of Solitude. The Library is a powerful ally in helping me tell part of a story of our lives.

Still, there are no great stories without heartbreak and no refunds for the answered prayers of children. As I write, I fly towards The End of my life on Earth.

And The End is a brand new beginning…

I know movies.
