
The Moving Day

The sun fell and exploded in shades of autumn gold.

It was glory on The South Bronx, another America
where words bleed to get home
shot like Shane in the back.

Surrounded by tall blades of grass and sunflowers, my eyes went beyond blue and silver knights in the heavens. It’s always Near The End on Earth, a storehouse of the better angels of our nature. Imagination is all the extraterrestrials you need to know you’re not alone.

 I saw The Wonder Years go on into the universe.

And happy isn’t enough to describe what I felt in the kingdom of my childhood.


Magnetic Resonance Imaging of my brain by New York Radiology
Adream: conceptual art and copy by Daniel Angel Aponte
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of my brain by New York Radiology
Adream: conceptual art and copy by Daniel Angel Aponte

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