Thursday, May 25, 2017


 Angels & Demons was shown in this paper garden of Good and Evil called The Children’s’ Library where the boy I was discovered A Winkle In Time.

We have no record of you, said a librarian who allowed me to use a computer, a new addition to the time machine that is a library. I found Daniel Angel Aponte, a student at The Massachusetts’s Institute Of Technology.  Memories thought lost overwhelmed me.

I recalled an ability enhanced by the library, my childhood fortress of solitude. The power of imagination is ”More important than knowledge,” Albert Einstein told the boy I was.

All fantasies are reality based. How poetic that fantasy made Virtual Reality a fact. 

Fantasy can enhance Reality in the pursuit of justice.

Dreams can come true.

I have no birth certificate, state ID and library card.

What do I have to open a portal to a superior world where is no crime and the mysteries of the universe enchants children as they follow fireflies in starry nights?

I saved from the junkyards of The South Bronx an old ship called Win95 in The New Millennium of incredible advancements in devices and Artificial Intelligence.  

Next stop is Cyber Blanca of Cyber Angels and Cyber Demons fighting over


Choose a side wisely for the sake of the future of your children.

Sad to say but nobody will really believe unless

Nightmares go straight to DreamWorks.

The Earth People love movies dearly.

Hope your life is better Sequel.

End transmission